Saturday, January 22, 2011

When You're Ready, Things Come

I'm reading The Yoga of Discipline by Swami Gurumayi Chidvilasananda who is John Friend's teacher. Great book, on my list of better books about the entire practice of yoga I've read so far.

Last weekend in our workshop with Adam I was assisting/teaching two students an alignment principle. One of the students I've needed to slow down in the past because they are very bendy and want to push to their bendy limit not their aligned limit. So they are doing a partner pose as I watch, I have to repeat an instruction multiple times and ask the student to back part way out of the pose but they push on beyond where I thought they should have. I finally tell them to come out of the pose completely and give them a lesson on studentship, listening to the teacher, and following instructions. Reflecting back, it was meant to teach and ended up coming from a place of frustration. I wanted to give "Tuff Love" and ended up just being tough.

Open the The Yoga of Discipline that night and what is the next chapter, The Discipline of Speech. The basic thought is "engage brain before engaging mouth." I know this, but in a effort to get things done I get ahead of my brain and more important my heart. The book had a great quote from Saint Francis of Assisi:

I consider it no less a virtue to know how to keep silent well, than to know how to speak well. A man ought to have a long neck like a crane so that whenever he wishes to speak, his words would have to pass through many joints before they reach his mouth.
Another level of yoga for me to practice.

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