Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Practice Practice Practice

My Bina Deluxe in front of my puja. That's right, I'm learning to play the harmonium. So now not only is my body going to become more bendy from Asana but my fingers are going to learn to float over the keys. I've been very good about my practicing and have been doing to skill lessons every night.

So a big thanks to Daniel Tucker from Kirtan Central. First, in getting the harmonium to me so quick. Then he put together, what is working out for me, a great Learn to Play the Harmonuim book with DVDs and a CD. Then I've sent him a couple questions and he was quick to get back to me with advise and encouragement. Yes, I still have the Post-it on the side he sent to remind me to pull the first two big knobs before you play so you get sound.

I may not be the next Sean Johnson or Jai Uttal but I should be playing in front of my Kula soon and then maybe rockin' it out in a class with you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I got a harmonium too and Daniels DVD's. I got the anusara invocation sheet music you posted on the anusara forum. It has been fun learning it and chanting along. :)
