Thursday, January 20, 2011

Right Place Right Time

Wednesday one of our teachers called and was still fighting off a winter cold so I popped in to sub for her. I was themeing on Gratitude and talking about how thankful we should be for the many diverse talents in our community and how we all offer something. It's a Gentle class so we stand up and start moving. A couple salutations into it we inhale to Ardha Uttanasana and as I look around to see shoulders lifted, spines long, a lady new to yoga in the second row manages to get about two steps forward, falling and does a face plant. I tried my best to catch her but from several steps away all I could do was get close for the crash. She ends up on her back and I'm first worried she is passed out. She grabs my hand and says she's OK and just needs to stay there. Her glasses cut her nose and a bit of blood is trickling toward her eye. In my mind I flash back 8 years to my Air Force Buddy Care First Aid training, elevate the head or the feet for shock? Where do you put a tourniquet for a nose cut? I had just been talking about our diverse talents and who is on the mat next to her but a Doctor!!! Not like me, a Doctor of fun, but a real medical professional. She takes over, assesses the situation, and handles it. We get her comfy in our entry room and as the two of them rest and recover our class restarts. We had some good energy going and now to try and get everyone else back in their own bodies and rekindle it, a bit challenging. The other cool thing is you could feel the outpouring of love and support for her as she walked out. Got to love when the right person is in the right place at the right time.


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