Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yes, my keyboard does work.

You’re right I haven’t written anything for a long time.  I’m not a good Blogger, right now.  I’m again going to increase the effort to share the many things swimming around my head and things I’m learning.  So just a couple thoughts for today.
Eastern Mind, Western BodyI was doing the “Happy Dance” a few days ago.  I finally finished reading Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith.  Not that this wasn’t a great book to read, just lots of things to absorb and understand.  I started it about 9 months ago, can’t remember exactly when.  I’d pick it up read a chapter, read about a Chakra, put it down, think about it, and then in a few days pick it up again.  This is a book I can read again someday and get more info from and I will keep it around as a reference book for the Chakras.  If you haven’t read it and want to learn about the Chakras put it on your must read list.
A faster read is The Yoga of Discipline by Swami Chidvilasananda.  This is John Friend’s teacher; he refers to her by Gurumayi.  It is a collection of talks she gave to her students in 1995 at her Ashram in New York state.  It is an easy read but makes you stop and think about your own life and where you’re at.  I really enjoyed this one and it helped me learn more about myself by providing grounds to learn from.  On my highly recommended list.
Paths to GodJust started reading Paths to God Living the Bhagavad Gita by Ram Dass.  Donna read it before me.  She and another friend gave it a big thumbs up.  So far I’m really into it; just have to make more time to read vs. playing on things like Facebook.  It’s not a translation of the Gita but so far I found it explain how to apply the Gita to life today.  Maybe it should have be The Bhagavad Gita for Dummies.
Then for a course I’m taking with Douglas Brooks, I’m working my way through Ganesa Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings by Paul Courtright.  Little slower read but not a monster book.  There are lots of stories and variations on the many aspects of Ganesa.  I’ll write more about it later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Doc! So happy to stumble upon your blog. I have read Easten Body Western Mind. It has so much wisdom in it, I use it to refrence from. I like her book Wheels of Light. I got Yoga of Discipline for my Bday it is wonderful. I havent read paths to God your inspiring me to look into it.
