Uncertain knowledge giving rise to violence, whether done directly or indirectly, or condoned, is caused by greed, anger or delusion in mild, moderate or intense degree. It results in endless pain and ignorance. Through introspection comes the end of pain and ignorance.
From Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali II.34 by B.K.S. Iyengar
I had moved away from Patanjali's Sutras since most of the translations are interpreted in a classical yoga thought. I started reading them again to learn more about the Eight Fold Path and in this month Ahimsa, found some good stuff. Something to think about as you hear all the news going on around us.
Love that! I just recently am re-reading Light on Yoga too! It is our roots.. just now we have another perspective on the richness Mr. Iyengar has blessed us with. Rock it..