Sunday, January 30, 2011

More on Meditation

I've really been putting more effort into my meditation and playing with a couple different Mantras to see how the feel and effect my work.  I did get the article off of Facebook that reaffirmed I'm doing something worthwhile rather than just sitting on my butt for 30 minutes.

It's worth a read.  I'm hoping my work offers some results where the article is saying since I'm going into a period of more studying and being an on-line student more than ever before in my life.  I want to move from just reading words, to comprehend words, to apply thoughts, to offer and teach my own understandings.

Feburary is going to be a fun and challenging month!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Mighty Oak

The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.
Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)

  Great source of quotes

Monday, January 24, 2011

More on Words

"Preach often, use words when necessary."  Saint Francis of Assisi

I've heard a few variations of this and don't know which one is most correct, if any, but you get the point.  Let your actions speak before your words do.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something to think about on a Sunday morning

Uncertain knowledge giving rise to violence, whether done directly or indirectly, or condoned, is caused by greed, anger or delusion in mild, moderate or intense degree.  It results in endless pain and ignorance.  Through introspection comes the end of pain and ignorance.

From Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali II.34 by B.K.S. Iyengar

I had moved away from Patanjali's Sutras since most of the translations are interpreted in a classical yoga thought.  I started reading them again to learn more about the Eight Fold Path and in this month Ahimsa, found some good stuff.  Something to think about as you hear all the news going on around us.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

When You're Ready, Things Come

I'm reading The Yoga of Discipline by Swami Gurumayi Chidvilasananda who is John Friend's teacher. Great book, on my list of better books about the entire practice of yoga I've read so far.

Last weekend in our workshop with Adam I was assisting/teaching two students an alignment principle. One of the students I've needed to slow down in the past because they are very bendy and want to push to their bendy limit not their aligned limit. So they are doing a partner pose as I watch, I have to repeat an instruction multiple times and ask the student to back part way out of the pose but they push on beyond where I thought they should have. I finally tell them to come out of the pose completely and give them a lesson on studentship, listening to the teacher, and following instructions. Reflecting back, it was meant to teach and ended up coming from a place of frustration. I wanted to give "Tuff Love" and ended up just being tough.

Open the The Yoga of Discipline that night and what is the next chapter, The Discipline of Speech. The basic thought is "engage brain before engaging mouth." I know this, but in a effort to get things done I get ahead of my brain and more important my heart. The book had a great quote from Saint Francis of Assisi:

I consider it no less a virtue to know how to keep silent well, than to know how to speak well. A man ought to have a long neck like a crane so that whenever he wishes to speak, his words would have to pass through many joints before they reach his mouth.
Another level of yoga for me to practice.

Friday, January 21, 2011

1st Video

Thursday worked out to be a day of video 1st. Started with hooking up a camera to my computer so I could tap into the power of Skype. Camera worked great, Skype is pretty cool, worked a project with BJ so I have something else to play with, like I needed that.

The big 1st was I recorded my 1st Anusara-Inspired yoga class last night. Twenty open hearts shared my theme about Kali and we move away from full moon of Shri Lakshmi out into the darkness. We empower muscular energy to hold steady in the dark until Saraswati begins to take form and move us to the next place of beauty. Today I'm going to sit down and watch the class and do my self review. I already know a few things I need to strengthen based on one of the lessons from Christina Sell's On-line mentoring course I'm taking. I taught a 90 minute class and my camera battery didn't. I peaked up as the class settled into Savasana and the little red light was out and my battery was gone. I'll work out a power source for next week.

In my own practice I did a Yogaglo class with Noah from Nov 09 that was lots of Pranayama. Between Adam Ballenger kicked our butts all weekend and me continuing that process Monday - Wednesday I was ready for an easy class. The Asana practice was very simple and supported the Pranayama Noah offered. Since I'm trying to learn more about Pranayama it was good for me to hear and practice what Noah had to teach. On a side note, there was 2, count them 1, 2 students in his class. I want to take a class from Noah with only two students and I'm one of them.

Touched based with my friend Sheldon who is busy as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest with his studio in Salt Lake City he and his lovely lady, Lyndsey, just took over and did some big upgrades to the facility. Sounds like things are going good for the tow of them. I would love to make a trip out there to practice and hang out, great folks, lots of fun and laughs. Donna and I are going to try and get to India next year with Douglas Brooks, Sheldon, Lyndsey, and I'm sure a bunch of of great folks.

On a down note, Ben our 11 year old Golden Retriever is having leg troubles. He didn't want to put weight on his back leg and had trouble standing up. He's been with us for over 9 years as a rescue dog that someone just gave up because he was to much trouble. I'm hoping he just turned an ankle on the ice yesterday or something simple. It is what it is and he's had a long full life for a Golden.

Today's Plan:

Watch my video
Play outside with the dogs
Couple hours on the mat
Class plan for Saturday
Start putting some things together for our new web page
Play with Skype
Read something good
Cardio and Therapy Training Video watching together
Should be a full day and I'm not scheduled to teach as of 8:08 AM but changes happen.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Right Place Right Time

Wednesday one of our teachers called and was still fighting off a winter cold so I popped in to sub for her. I was themeing on Gratitude and talking about how thankful we should be for the many diverse talents in our community and how we all offer something. It's a Gentle class so we stand up and start moving. A couple salutations into it we inhale to Ardha Uttanasana and as I look around to see shoulders lifted, spines long, a lady new to yoga in the second row manages to get about two steps forward, falling and does a face plant. I tried my best to catch her but from several steps away all I could do was get close for the crash. She ends up on her back and I'm first worried she is passed out. She grabs my hand and says she's OK and just needs to stay there. Her glasses cut her nose and a bit of blood is trickling toward her eye. In my mind I flash back 8 years to my Air Force Buddy Care First Aid training, elevate the head or the feet for shock? Where do you put a tourniquet for a nose cut? I had just been talking about our diverse talents and who is on the mat next to her but a Doctor!!! Not like me, a Doctor of fun, but a real medical professional. She takes over, assesses the situation, and handles it. We get her comfy in our entry room and as the two of them rest and recover our class restarts. We had some good energy going and now to try and get everyone else back in their own bodies and rekindle it, a bit challenging. The other cool thing is you could feel the outpouring of love and support for her as she walked out. Got to love when the right person is in the right place at the right time.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Catching Up

You're right, if anyone is out there reading. I've been a bad blogger and not staying current. I'm going to try and catch up a bit.

Last Monday, as in over a week ago, on the recommendations of a couple teachers I did a timed holds practice. Set my timer for 90 seconds and off I went. Spent about 10 minutes warming up and then into my Asana practice. Ninety seconds didn't seem like a long time, 6 or so slow long breaths. OMG, doing one pose for 90 seconds, no big deal, doing every pose for 90 seconds makes you work. One of the hardest things is holding your arms up in pose after pose in a standing sequence. I need smaller arms, those dudes get heavy. I survived 90 minutes and felt pretty dang good when I got done. Even went two rounds on handstand (fun) and Virasana (not fun). Tuesday's practice I wanted to get more poses in but still encourage myself to stay steady so I set the timer for 60 seconds. A lot of difference in 30 seconds. By the time you step into the pose, apply the UPAs you use up 10 - 15 seconds, it wasn't as challenging but a great practice none the less. Fast forward to this Tuesday and I did the 90 seconds holds again and found I was already more steady, still not an easy practice but well worth the effort. I think I'll add 15 seconds next time around. Who knows, 5 minute holds!!!

We hosted Adam Ballenger this weekend at our Anusara Yoga workshop. What a great time. Most classes had about 30 students, lots of smiles, a bunch of hard work, and I learned a lot. Isn't great how someone can look from the outside and see where you're not doing something as fully as you should or could. I got reeducated on outer spiral of the front leg in standing poses. Guess I was so focused on inner spiral I let it get away from me. Good lesson. Adam is an exceptional teacher who I want to study with more. If you get a chance to take any of his classes don't miss out.

My phone contract with Verizon expired 8 Jan and I was all set to buy a Droid. I had done the research and was headed toward the Motorola X. Then the big announcement....Verizon is getting the iPhone. Back to the Internet, read as many reviews as I can and make a new decision. On 3 Feb I'll be ordering a new iPhone 4. The reviews said both are great phones but the iPhone kept coming out on top by a nose.

Last week I also found out I was accepted into Therapy Training with John Friend in Miami, Feb 23 - 25. I also be staying the weekend to practice the Int/Adv workshop and observe the Mixed Level class. I'm sure I'll learn a bunch and get to connect with some of my friends in Florida. Donna will be headed to California a couple weeks earlier to spend time with Richard Miller, her teacher so it will be a month of learning for both of us.

That's enough for now. I'll try and stay more current. Drop me a comment to let me know someone out there is reading my babble.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's Up?!?!?!

First my week in review. I’ll roll all the way back to Saturday Jan 1, 2011 we had fun hike with Randy followed by a rockin’ practice in our studio. Thirty-five smiling faces squeezed into our studio, the most ever I know of. Two hours of Shakti blasting Asana and a few minutes of Beatles “All You Need is Love” sing-a-long. I taught a total of 12 classes, 2 therapy sessions, and 1 discussion with one of our staff on how to get into the thoracic spine for backbends. Started getting back into cardio trainings again since I found my fitness level well below where I’d like to be during our Sunday hike/attempt to climb Harney Peak. Logging has hidden the trails combined with a nice pile of snow made it more of a play session in the woods with friends followed by a hike around the lake vs. a summit. It was great to be out in the woods with Davey again. We haven’t been out in the wood together much over the last year with both of us going different directions when he’s in town.

Another of my objectives for 2011 is to bring more discipline to my asana practice. Over the last year I would either just get on the mat and do what felt good at the time, practice a sequence or pose I wanted to teach, or (not near as much as I should) do a practice that served my own opening, advancing my practice. So this year I’m starting with the Anusara Yoga 1st syllabus and going to practice every pose in the syllabus each week until they’re rock solid. Most of them are in pretty good shape right now but could always use refinement. There is a few that aren’t accessible to me right now so I’ll work on the prep poses to get me closer and then it will happen. This was the first week and I had to figure out how to track this and hit all the poses. I missed a few of the seated poses, some of the twists, and didn’t do much if any restoratives (they’ll be the hardest for me). So now I have a tracking system and will use my Friday and Saturday practices to fill in the gaps. I’ll report more as this goes along and should get some feedback from several of the teachers, like Adam, John, and BJ that I’ll be able to practice with.

More on Ahimsa, non-harming. I want to get more skilled at being solid with my students and telling them when they have stepped outside the boundaries while being firm, fair, and kind all at the same time. For instance, a few of my students are regularly late for class, meaning they arrive at the studio as I’m ready to start class. The rest of the class is in the yoga room, ready to rock it. So we wait a couple minutes while they change, fix their hair, roll out their mat, go to the bathroom or anything else I would have hoped they would have done before the time we’ve set to start class. If it happened every now and then, life happens, I’d understand. But almost every class??? I’ve got to figure out a firm but kind way to address it. “Clear boundaries, no limits”…Dr Douglas Brooks

The harmonium is coming along good. I’m going to try and be ready to play the Anusara Invocation this week in my Thursday Anusara-Inspired class. I’m doing to SARGAM exercises from Daniel Tucker so my fingers are starting to move better. Maybe this will also lead to more flexibility in Mudra??

So my plans for this week, practice Asana, meditate, practice harmonium, teach, cardio, dog hikes, add iRest Yoga Nidra, movie with my Mom and Dad on Sunday night, read/study and just generally have a good time. Donna and I ordered some new bookcases that I need to go pick up. Scary that I’m getting so many books I need bookcases. I’m a bit behind on my homework for Christian Sells’ on-line mentoring course so I’ll try and catch up on Monday and I need to send Douglas the other registration to add the Ganesha Puja: Crossing the Threshold of Tantric Understanding and Practice.

A couple things I’m interested in this week. Tuesday Verizon and Apple have a “Special” announcement that should be the iPhone coming to Verizon. My contract just expired so I’m looking to move to a smartphone and have it down to the iPhone (if it’s available soon) or the Motorola Droid X. Then on Friday Anusara will announce the acceptance to John’s Therapy Training and weekend workshops in Miami in Feb. I’ve got a place to stay, just have to buy plane tickets. Did I mention I really don’t like to fly but don’t have time to drive to this one?

Drop a comment if you’re reading.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Practice Practice Practice

My Bina Deluxe in front of my puja. That's right, I'm learning to play the harmonium. So now not only is my body going to become more bendy from Asana but my fingers are going to learn to float over the keys. I've been very good about my practicing and have been doing to skill lessons every night.

So a big thanks to Daniel Tucker from Kirtan Central. First, in getting the harmonium to me so quick. Then he put together, what is working out for me, a great Learn to Play the Harmonuim book with DVDs and a CD. Then I've sent him a couple questions and he was quick to get back to me with advise and encouragement. Yes, I still have the Post-it on the side he sent to remind me to pull the first two big knobs before you play so you get sound.

I may not be the next Sean Johnson or Jai Uttal but I should be playing in front of my Kula soon and then maybe rockin' it out in a class with you soon.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Look a Chicken!!!

So this is what my meditation has been like lately. I sit, start with a bit of mantra and my minds wanders off and "Look a Chicken" or "I like bananas" or today I was drafting this blog. OK, time to get my stuff together. Go back to the basics and get grounded. I know a lot of folks talk about seeing the most beautiful colors, insight into lands far away, clarity in their life. I'd be happy without, "My truck needs gas" thoughts for a few minutes.

I've pulled out Swami Durgananda's book The Heart of Mediation and am going to do all the exercises again for a week or two until I feel, see, hear, or something shifts. This is a great book BTY. It's out of print but if you poke around enough you can find a used copy someone doesn't think was printed on paper made of gold.

Exercise 1: Become aware of your awareness. Sounds like fun. I've been down this road before. This time I'll try not to loop back and have to travel it again.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just Breath

Went on a great hike today with good friends and 5 frozen snow-toe dogs. We tried to climb to the top of Harney Peak but the trail we tried was closed for logging, so we hiked around the lake and then went for pizza. As we went up hill my cardio condition or lack of condition became evident. My mantra became "Just Breath" which plays right into another one of my projects for the New Year.

I'm going to spend more time studying and practicing Pranayama. So I dug out my copy of BKS Iyengar's Light on Pranayama The Yogic Art of Breathing. My plan is to take one of the Pranayama he writes about and practice it for the entire month in every practice, even if just for a couple minutes.

This month I'll start with Ujjayi. Who knew you could write 20+ pages on Ujjayi. There is some great points in here that I have to work on. I'll write more about it later as I begin to experience what it is all about.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Eightfold Yoga

One of the many things I've decided to do for myself and my practice of yoga is to study The Eightfold Yoga from Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. I'm going to start by taking one of the Yamas each month and reading about it and trying to bring it to a new place in my life. Once I get through all the Yamas I'll move on to the Niyamas. You're welcome to join in the study and practice with me.

This month is Ahimsa. Sutra II.35 ahimsa-pratisthayam tat-samnidhau vaira-tyagah

When the yogin is grounded in the virtue of non-harming, all enmity is abandoned in his presence. Georg Feuerstein's translation from his book the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.

take not of the word non-harming, not non-violence or non-killing. I've heard Dr Douglas Brooks talk about this and he teaches it is a violent world. The act of child birth is violent. You hear discussions about can you be a yogi and eat meat. Here's my spin, yes. As long as you only eat what truly serves your health and you honor the animal you choose to consume for giving their life to sustain yours. For me I eat birds and some fish, red meat doesn't serve me right now. If I found out I needed to eat red meat, I'd select wisely and honor, most likely the bison I was eating.

I know there is so much more to non-harming but that's where I'm starting. Love to hear your thoughts or if you have other translations you want to share that would be great.

I need to do a couple things. I want to find a copy of Mr. Iyengar's Light on Yoga Sutras to see what he has to say. Then I need to figure out how to do all the special characters used in Sanskrit.


1st Post New Blog New Year

Welcome to my new blog and a New Year. To help support what I have planned for this year I've decided to start from scratch and use this a tool to document where I'm headed, transformations, refinements, and big fun.

I'm hoping it may open up some conversations with old and new friends. So please drop in, leave a note, suggest things to read/study, web sites or other blogs with good stuff.

Today's plans:
Go hiking in the hills with a few friends and the dogs
Two PM is our first Asana practice of the New Year at the studio
Practice the harmonium
A bit of computer work for the Studio
Movie night at the house

I'll be sharing more over the next few weeks about my plans for 2011, how I'm doing on them, and where my life, practice, and teachings are going.